Welcome to berlinillustration.de by Julia Zschiedrich

>> Since summer 2023, I have been working in public relations for a non-profit organization. I supported the relaunch of the website, promoted various events/offerings/groups etc. Also writing blog articles & creating social media content, brochures, flyers and merchandise items and many more.

>> For a few years I was more into the artistic bubble ... However, I came back to the content related work in recent years like writing concepts, texting for blogs and flyers - and somehow it all fits well together. So, let's say content and design are two perspectives on the same thing. Communication is everything. Everything is communication. I like bringing both together with my team! 


>> I studied business administration at the FU Berlin and graduated with a master's degree. While I was still studying I started working in a consulting company. During my projects I got to know all areas of operational HR management. As a team, we developed communication campaigns, recruiting software, e-learning platforms and a document management system. Finally, I was responsible for setting up a new product area. Please find full CV on LinkedIn

>> After a very intense work phase, the family phase brought a professional reorientation. In recent years I have worked very closely with a graphic design team. We designed logos together, created websites and graphics. 

>> Some 2024 work contains Illustrations by Wigwam.im - Berlin-based public welfare-oriented communication consultancy for social and ecological goals (vectors re-assembled)

Illustrations and Graphics

> Illustrations

> Covers 

> Graphics / Infographics

> Collage

> Art Portrait

Marketing Services

> Research & Market Analysis

> Content Marketing

> Blog / Flyer / Website

> Logo Design / Branding

> Merchandising

> Social Media

> Seit 2017 kooperiere ich mit dem Freelance Network DIE GRAFIKER in den Bereichen Logo-Design, Grafikdesign, Web und allgemein Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Die folgenden Projekte sind gemeinsam entstanden. Die Verlinkungen führen zu den Webseiten der Auftraggeber*innen. Einige Bilder zeigen den Arbeitsprozess und die fertigen Ergebnisse. 


DIE GRAFIKER bieten Grafikdesign und Webdesign für Gründer, Startups und Unternehmen. Das Vergnügen, die Menschen hinter den Geschichten mit einem individuellen Auftritt sichtbar zu machen, hat DIE GRAFIKER zusammen geführt und treibt sie weiter voran. In den Neunzigern sind sie aus verschiedenen Himmelsrichtungen nach Berlin gekommen und in die kreativen Berufe eingestiegen. Gemeinsam mit dem Internet sind sie gewachsen und haben viele Trends kommen und gehen sehen. Über die Jahre hinweg haben sie zahlreiche Projekte für private und öffentliche Auftraggeber*innen umgesetzt. DIE GRAFIKER gestalten ein zeitloses, funktionales Design mit klaren Formen und frischen Farben. Gearbeitet wird in kleinen, effizienten Teams bestehen aus Grafiker*innen, Texter*innen, Webdesigner*innen, Programmierer*innen und Illustrator*innen. Viele treue Stammkund*innen sprechen für die Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit der Arbeiten. So wurden über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Software-Entwicklung, Grafikdesign und Webdesign aufgebaut und viele Projekte erfolgreich umgesetzt.


Goethe-Institut Tanzania & Children's Radio Foundation mit DIE GRAFIKER Katja Glause

> Best Practice Guides, Grafiken & Logos



KMS Mobility Solutions - Softwarelösungen für die Mobilität der Zukunft - mit DIE GRAFIKER Katja Glause


> Logo Design, Web-Texte, Testen / QS, Image Flyer, Texte & Grafiken für Blog



Traxpay - Working Capital Lösungen - mit DIE GRAFIKER Katja Glause


> Grafiken, Blog, Testen / QS




Finance Thinktank - Knowledge and Network


> Logos


Kinderarztpraxis Pietsch und Bonnet


> Logo


Gracher - Kautionsversicherungen und Finanzierungslösungen 


> Grafiken, Testen / QS, Merchandising


VR Equity Partner - Finanzierungslösungen für Unternehmen


> Mehrsprachigkeit, Testen / QS


So geht Nachfolge - Kompetenzcenter Nachfolge


> Grafiken, Testen / QS


Quantenspringer - Training, Coaching, Beratung


> Namensfindung, Textredaktion


OCRC Company - Webtexte, Marketingkonzept, Merchandising, Grafiken & Logos 

> Captain Oscar


The Wolf on the Motorbike (About me)

>> I am a freelance editor, illustrator and logo designer based in the south of Berlin. My graphical style ranges from quick scribbles and sketches to professional illustrations and graphics. I can also write or edit your texts for a specific audience or medium. I don't want to become a prompter for ChatGPT, but I'm getting familiar with these and other AI tools. You can use it like any other technique to achieve your goals. 

>> It is not easy to sell images and drawings, which often have a very short lifespan in social media feeds etc. New apps have emerged such as super cheap or free stock illustrations, most recently AI tools like Midjourney or Dalle-E. Whether you create an individual graphic or adapt a graphic from e. g. Freepik for your own purposes depends on your wishes and budget. Both possibilities can lead to good results.

>> The corona pandemic really made me think about analogue techniques again ... and about "real" communities and (my) social needs. Somehow getting together became more important again, the community, the friends, the family. It's good to work at home, but it's also nice drinking coffee with colleagues in the office and nothing can replace that. What I like, is that a lot of things have become hybrid, so you can get the best of both worlds. 



I always liked watching illustrations in newspapers and magazines when I was a kid. My dad was sitting in the kitchen at night, listening to free jazz, reading newspapers. At this time, I was painting a lot, like all kids probably do. My first money in school came from drawings for hotels, and small journals. During my studies, I was hired to do the illustrations for a spanish book at Freie Universität Berlin. But I never thought, making a living out of it. These were the 90s! No facebook, no insta, not even mobile phones... I wrote my first email in the students' council and registered for economics and social sciences. 

 After the graduate degree in Business Administration, I worked several years in software projects in Berlin. I got to know working in agile teams and made friends with the designers and developers. We considered the company as a family, and we stood on the balcony, smoking and debating until late at night. I was lucky to know my spouse, and took a time off to raise a family and have children - and so, life changed again. 


Someone told me once: Illustration is not about the inking, it is about the thinking... This kept me on track! I re-started practicing (all miserable!), asking my family for feedback (completely ignorant!). Maybe my experiences as a project manager could help a bit in expressing things visually? I went to some workshops and studied the pictures in newspapers again. I bought a pen tablet and software for manga designers. I ordered business cards, and asked my friends to show me tricks in Photoshop. 


Today, I work as a freelance illustrator. Over the time, I learned to work on a more symbolic level. Sometimes, I have to draw weird things like "the wolf on the motorbike", which really makes me questioning my drawing skills! But then, I start imagining, googling, scribbling and sketching - and somehow a new composition turns out. I have a great passion for digital art, and I am happy to realize more and more projects recently. Most inspiring for me, is to learn from my kids drawing freely and joyfully - and, by the projects, knowing wonderful people learning about their businesses and ideas. 


Social Media

More information and contact via LinkedIn. 


Contact Linked-In


Portfolio 2020 Julia Zschiedrich
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Best of Illustrations

>> This is my project gallery with some of my illustrations. Some of these were used, others ended up in the drawer. I always put something new in here, hope you enjoy ... 


More Creative Services for You

Haben auch Sie Interesse an einer kreativen Dienstleistung? Sei es Web-Projekt, Marketing, Merchandising, Logo oder Flyer - Kontaktieren Sie mich per Mail über info@berlinillustration.de oder per Social Media z. B. LinkedIn 

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Ideen! 


Are you also interested in a creative service? Be it a web project, marketing, merchandising, logo or flyer - contact me by email at info@berlinillustration.de or via social media, e.g. B. LinkedIn 

I look forward to hearing about your ideas!


Julia Zschiedrich

 berlinillustration.de by Julia Zschiedrich, Berlin 2024 - All rights reserved